Friday, July 13, 2012

Top O The Rockies Rally 2012

I'm heading out to a Rally in Colorado. I left Vermont early last Saturday with friends, Fred and Irene from Maine. By the end of the first night, we were in Perrysburg Ohio. We made great time and the weather was on our side.
Here I am on the Road with Fred, photo credits go to Irene.

 A quick shot of Irene and Fred in the Rocky Mountain National Park.
We drove from Ohio through Illionois and ended up in Adel, Iowa, then onto Nebraska before crossing into Colorado.  The elevation in Colorado helped with the warm temps!


  1. You headed back to Sedalia? I'm leaving for KC at o'dark early Sunday. Hope to make Dayton, Sun PM.

  2. It is a tossup....I may head to Sedalia, but Irene and Fred are heading north. I am still considering the northern route home. Weather may be the biggest determining factor.

    Stay tuned....
